My name is Ellie Louise Coker @ellielouisecoker & in case you were wondering...
Top 3 favourite Reliquia pieces:
Trevi Signet Ring
Mindy Earrings
Fallon Earrings

Top 3 podcasts:
Stuff You Should Know (I'm nerdy)
Top 3 favourite Instagram accounts:
Top 3 self-care strategies:
Number one, I always have to catch myself, slow down & give myself time to listen to my body.
At the moment that is usually followed by an infrared sauna at Nimbus ❤️ I also adore yoga in combination with pilates - I feel like they make me feel the strongest and stretchiest I can be, while also centring my mind.
Top 3 daily beauty products:
I often change products; I feel both my skin & hair respond well when I rotate my products.
At the moment it's CeraVe Cleanser (twice), Emma Lewisham's Skin Reset Serum (heaven) & Rationale #6 The Eye Créme.
Top 3 movies:
Of all time??...That's a tough one.
Almost Famous
Pulp Fiction
Romeo & Juliet (Baz version obviously)